Location: Papago Park, Phoenix, Arizona
Distance: Less than 1/2 mile Out and Back Time: 10 Minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Season: Year Round (Often unbearably hot in the summer)
Foot Traffic: Heavy
The Hole-In-The-Rock trail, located inside the beautiful Papago Park, is an iconic “hike” in Phoenix, Arizona. The only more famous hike in the area, would assuredly have to be Camelback Mountain. Unlike Camelback Mountain, I wouldn’t necessarily classify the Hole-In-The-Rock trail as a hike. It is unquestionably, more of a gentle walk than a hike. The short trail will take most people a mere 5-10 minutes to complete, culminating in a short trek to a hole in the back of a rock formation where visitors can peer out towards the city. Many visitors elect to climb into the “hole” and sit inside the rock area. Some people may not be comfortable with this but you will nonetheless encounter many people doing so.

This trail is incredibly popular and the main parking area has less than 20 spots and is typically full. There is additional parking just down the road as well but parking here will add a tiny more mileage to your walk. Sunset and sunrise are popular times here, offering exceptional views. Regardless of when you visit, expect crowds. Additionally, Papago Park is home to the Phoenix Zoo, The Desert Botanical Garden and a fantastic, atypical play area, with animal structures, which is located just before the Hole-In-The-Rock parking area. The Hole-In-The-Rock trail wont take but a very short time, so I would highly suggest that visitors hang out for a bit after the hike and explore the rest of Papago Park.
Trail Description and Scout’s Story
Papago Park is a place that my wife and I had first visited with our daughter, Scout, when she was barely 7 months old. Despite visiting early in the morning, the parking area was packed and there were massive crowds. We elected to let Scout play on the cool animal play structures in the play area just before the Hole-In-The-Rock trail and to skip the Hole-In-The-Rock “hike”. I told myself we would be back and could revisit this trail at a different date. I truly didn’t expect it to take us as long to return as It ultimately ended up taking.
A little more than 6 months later, our lives would forever be changed as Scout would be diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at the age of 15 months old. After almost a year of cancer treatments, fighting and surgeries, Scout finally reached the major goal of reaching remission in May of 2023, just one day after turning 2 years old. Although traveling has always been a huge constant in our families life, leaving the state or traveling more than an hour or so from our house was something that we weren’t willing to do during Scout’s battle.
Finally, after more than a year without leaving the state, we would be hitting the road and getting back to what had once been such a huge part of our lives. Our ultimate objective would be to reach Scout’s grandparents house in Prescott, but first we would stop in Phoenix and Scottsdale for a few days.
Hiking to Hole-In-The-Rock
I was excited to take Scout to Papago Park and figured that the Hole-In-The-Rock trail would be perfect for a 2 year old such as Scout. After taking Scout to a few children’s museums in the morning, she went down for a nap in the afternoon and I elected to drive over to the Mormon Trail and trail run the Hidden Valley trail to get some exercise. This went by a little faster than I expected and I decided that I would stop by Hole-In-The-Rock on the way back to my hotel and just check it out by myself.
My preference is to have Scout and my wife join me on any adventure or activity but I knew we might not have the time the next day and I decided to make the short hike by myself. After snagging one of the last parking spots, I made my way towards the trail about an hour before sunset. Temperatures were hovering around 100, unquestionably helping decrease the typical large crowds associated with this trail.
The Hole-In-The-Rock is visible, directly in front of hikers as they start the trail.

However, the obvious trail will lead hikers to the right of the large butte and circle around towards the backside of the butte. Within a few minutes of hiking along the flat trail, hikers will arrive at the backside of the butte, now looking directly up at the hole-in-the-rock.

From here, the only incline of the hike will commence and it will take less than minute for hikers to reach the actual hole.
Reaching the Hole-In-The-Rock
Once at the base of the butte, visitors can peer out of the hole, embracing the great views of the city.

Many visitors may opt to climb down into the hole. A small area inside of the hole allows hikers to further explore the Hole-In-The-Rock.

Plan on sharing this trail with plenty of others but for the short distance and minimal effort, Hole-In-The-Rock shouldn’t be missed.
Getting to the Hole-In-The-Rock Trail at Papago Park
Hole-In-The-Rock Trail, Papago Park
Notes, Questions and Thoughts
Is this a fee area?
- No. There are no fees to hike or park at Papago Park.
Are there restrooms at the trailhead?
- Yes, restrooms are available just down the road at the ranger station.
Are dogs allowed on the trail?
- Yes, dogs are allowed on the trail but must be leashed and kept in control at all times. Please pick up and dispose of all animal waste.
Please recreate responsibly. Respect hikers, and all visitors and wildlife. Help make everyone’s experience better by keeping the nature experience as authentic as possible. Leave no trace and pack out everything that you pack in. Please remember that we are visitors and stewards of these special places. Help keep these places as wild as possible while not diminishing the outdoor experience of others.